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Layer Pit new pipe update - Swim closures

10/01/2024 - Latest News

We have just met with the Essex and Suffolk Water Project Manager on site at Layer Pits who has talked us through the next phase of the work to replace the inflow pipe at Layer Pits. This work is part of a much larger  project being undertaken across the road to replace filter beds and processing buildings. 

The next phase will commence on the 15th Jan when a new pipe will be installed and the existing pipe totally reinstalled. The end result will be 2 new pipes. The water company will also be be clearing all the scrub and trees in this area as well as installing a new path which will go down to the outflow.
The water company will also be installing a permanent silt curtain which will go from the new pipe to a position before you get to the point swims. This silt curtain will  trap the silt after it enters the pit and once this area silts up the water company will from time to time then dredge out the silt once it has built up. Whilst this new silt curtain will mean we lose 2 pegs it should mean in long term that the wider pit suffers less from silting up. 

The contractors will be putting up signs from the 15th as the construction area will be out of bounds to anglers. One consequence of this will be that if you want to fish the point swims you will need to walk all the way around the lake ie along the matchman bank and along the cottages.

Thank you for your cooperation whilst the contractors go about their work. 