Bailiff: Kevin Payne07530 919796

Wellhouse Reservoirs

Mersea Island

This water consist of two reservoirs lined with reeds and set just of the road as you enter Mersea Island. The Northern Reservoir is mainly a Carp water with fish between 8lb to 28lb there is also a large number of silver fish and big Bream.
The Southern Reservoir (car park) has a reasonable stock of Carp, estimated to be 30 fish between 13lb - 30lb but the main stocking is made up of Bream, Tench, Roach and Rudd. The majority of the swims have platforms installed, so the use of a seatbox or rod pod is recommended.
In early 2018, Carp were stocked that had been removed from Houchins reservoirs and in Jan 2019 a handful of VS fishery mirrors were stocked into the water. These ranged all the way up to mid-twenties in weight. In Nov 2020 Ten VS Fisheries C4 carp between 10lb and 13lb were added and in Nov 2021 20 more C4's were added. We continued our stocking policy with 40 C3 Carp added to Mersea north in Feb 2025.
The car park is just past the layby and is on the left hand side of the road, it is entered by using the locked gate. Please take care when exiting this site as visibility to the right is limited. Members should be aware of tide times as Mersea Island often gets cut off at high tide resulting in delayed access on and off the island.   
We continue to improve the water and in 2020 saw the installation of an otter fence by Embryo Angling Habitats at great expense to the club. It is essential that the access gate is closed and locked at all times.

Opening Times

The water is open all year round with no close season.


The toilet is located in the car park and is regularly cleaned by a contracted company.

Water Size

Between the two reservoirs there is a total of approximately 5 acres.
There are 10 swims in the North reservoir of which 7 have enough room for a bivvy
The Car Park reservoir has 14 swims of which 9 have enough room for a bivvy. 

Disabled Details

No designated disabled swim or disabled facilities.


Members should ensure they are familar with the rules of the club in the Handbook you recieved when joining. The rulebook can also be found on this website. But to highlight some for this water.

Maximum of 2 rods at any time of the year.
No fish over 5lb to be keep in a net, except for organised matches.
Fishing from designated swims only.
The use of all Nuts as hookbaits or loose feed is banned on all Society waters
Junior members under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a senior member of the club

This water in 2020 saw the installation of an otter fence by Embryo Angling Habitats at great expense to the club. It is essential that the access gate is closed and locked at all times. Any member found to be leaving the gate open will face an immediate lifetime ban from the club.


From Colchester take the B1025 to West Mersea, pass over the causeway and proceed to the right past the East mersea turning. You will see a lay-by on the left, the gate to the car park is a further 125 metres up the road and on the lefthand side.

Approximate postcode CO5 8RU

What three words: ///cheaper.eternally.drank
